Appendix A - Full source

forth-wordlist wordlist dup set-current 2 set-order

: assert ( n -- )
    0= if abort then ;

: linked-list
    create 0 , 0 , ;

: allocate' ( n -- a )
    allocate 0= assert ;

: zero ( a n -- )
    0 fill ;
: allocate0 ( n -- a )
    dup allocate' swap 2dup zero drop ;

: chain-new ( n -- a )
    1+ cells allocate0 ;
: chain-fillout ( .. a n -- a )
    0 do dup i 1+ cells + swap >r ! r> loop ;
: chain-link ( ..n -- a )
    dup chain-new swap chain-fillout ;
: chain-first ( ..n head[t] -- )
    >r chain-link r> 2dup ! cell+ ! ;
: chain-rest ( ..n head[t] -- )
    >r chain-link r> 2dup cell+ @ ! cell+ ! ;
: chain ( ..n head[t] -- )
    dup @ if chain-rest else chain-first then ;

: ->next ( a -- a' ) @ ;

: $clone ( $ - $ )
    dup allocate 0= assert swap 2dup >r >r move r> r> ;

: 3dup ( xyz -- xyzxyz )
    dup 2over rot ;

: atom-length@ ( A -- n )
    1 cells + @ ;
: atom-data@ ( A -- a )
    2 cells + @ ;
: atom-string@ ( A -- $ )
    dup atom-data@ swap atom-length@ ;
: atom-meaning-head ( A -- A[head] )
    3 cells + ;

linked-list atom-root

: $atom-new ( $ -- A )
    >r >r 0 0 r> r> 4 atom-root chain atom-root cell+ @ ;

: atom-new ( $ -- A )
    $clone $atom-new ;

: atom= ( $ A -- f )
    atom-string@ compare 0= ;

: atom-find' ( $ A -- A )
       dup 0= if nip nip exit then
       3dup atom= if nip nip exit then
    again ;
: atom-find ( $ -- A )
    atom-root @ atom-find' ;

: $atom ( $ -- A )
    2dup atom-find dup if nip nip else drop $atom-new then ;

: atom ( $ -- A )
    2dup atom-find dup if nip nip else drop atom-new then ;

: atom. ( A -- )
    atom-string@ type ;

: atoms. ( -- )
    atom-root @ begin dup while
    dup atom. cr ->next repeat drop ;

: atom" ( -- A )
    [char] " parse
    state @ if postpone sliteral postpone atom
    else atom then ; immediate
: atom{ ( -- A )
    [char] } parse
    state @ if postpone sliteral postpone atom
    else atom then ; immediate

: atom"" ( -- A ) 0 0 atom ;

: atom-append ( A n Ad -- )
    atom-meaning-head 2 swap chain ;
: atom+=$ ( A Ad -- )
    0 swap atom-append ;
: atom+=ref ( A Ad -- )
    1 swap atom-append ;

: ref-parts ( ref -- A ref? )
    cell+ dup cell+ @ swap @ ;
: atom-walk ( fn A -- )
     atom-meaning-head @ begin dup while
         2dup >r >r
         ref-parts if recurse else swap execute then
         r> r>
     repeat 2drop ;
: tally-length ( n A -- n )
    atom-length@ + ;
: gather-string ( a A -- a' )
    2dup atom-string@ >r swap r> move tally-length ;
: atom-walk-length ( A -- n )
    0 swap ['] tally-length swap atom-walk ;
: atom-walk-gather ( a A -- )
    swap ['] gather-string swap atom-walk drop ;

: means ( A -- A' )
    dup atom-walk-length dup allocate 0= assert
    swap 2dup >r >r drop
    atom-walk-gather r> r> $atom ;

: atom>>$ ( A d -- d' )
    2dup >r atom-string@ r> swap move swap atom-length@ + ;
: atom+ ( A A -- A )
    swap 2dup atom-length@ swap atom-length@ + dup >r
    allocate 0= assert dup >r
    atom>>$ atom>>$ drop r> r> $atom ;

: atom-ch ( ch -- A )
    1 allocate 0= assert 2dup c! nip 1 atom ;

10 atom-ch constant atom-cr
: atom-cr+ ( A -- A )
    atom-cr atom+ ;

atom" foo" atom" foo" = assert

atom" bar" atom" foo" <> assert

atom" testing" atom" 123" atom+ atom" testing123" = assert

atom" abc" atom" bar" atom+=$
atom" def" atom" bar" atom+=$
atom" 1234" atom" foo" atom+=$
atom" bar" atom" foo" atom+=ref
atom" 5678 9" atom" foo" atom+=$
atom" bar" atom" foo" atom+=ref
atom" foo" means atom" 1234abcdef5678 9abcdef" = assert

: file!-dangle ( A A -- fileid )
    atom-string@ r/w bin create-file 0= assert
    swap over >r atom-string@ r> write-file 0= assert
    dup flush-file 0= assert
: file! ( A A -- )
    close-file 0= assert
: file!-tmp ( A A -- fileid )
    dup 0 s>d rot reposition-file 0= assert

: escape-ch ( ch -- )
   dup [char] < = if [char] & c, [char] l c, [char] t c,
                     [char] ; c, drop exit then
   dup [char] > = if [char] & c, [char] g c, [char] t c,
                     [char] ; c, drop exit then
   dup [char] " = if [char] & c, [char] q c, [char] u c, [char] o c,
                     [char] t c, [char] ; c, drop exit then
   dup [char] & = if [char] & c, [char] a c, [char] m c, [char] p c,
                     [char] ; c, drop exit then
   c, ;
: escape-each ( A -- )
    atom-string@ 0 ?do dup i + c@ escape-ch loop drop ;
: here! ( a -- )
    here - allot ;
: escape ( A -- A )
    here dup >r swap escape-each here over - atom r> here! ;

: source@ source ( -- a )
    drop >in @ + ;
: source-remaining ( -- n )
   source nip >in @ - ;

: drop| ( -- )

    source@ 1- c@ [char] | = if -1 >in +! then ;
: need-refill? ( -- f)
    source nip >in @ <= ;

: on|? ( -- f )

    need-refill? if false exit then source@ c@ [char] | = ;
: replenish ( -- f )
    need-refill? if refill else true then ;

: ?atom-cr+ ( A -- A )

    on|? 0= if atom-cr+ then ;

: eat| ( -- )

    [char] | parse drop| atom atom+ ?atom-cr+ ;

: parse..| ( -- A )

    atom"" begin replenish 0=

    if exit then eat| on|? until ;

: parse-cr ( -- A )
    source@ source-remaining atom   source nip >in ! ;

variable chunk
: chunk+=$ ( A -- )
    chunk @ if chunk @ atom+=$ else drop then ;
: chunk+=ref ( A -- )
    chunk @ if chunk @ atom+=ref else drop then ;

atom" ~~~DOC" constant main-documentation
variable documentation-chunk
main-documentation documentation-chunk !

: documentation ( -- A )
    documentation-chunk @ ;
: doc! ( back to documentation)
    0 chunk ! ;
: doc+=$ ( A -- )
    documentation atom+=$ ;
: .d{ ( -- )
    postpone atom{ postpone doc+=$ ; immediate

: .d| ( -- )

    parse..| ; immediate

: |.d ( -- )
    postpone literal postpone doc+=$ ; immediate
: .dcr   atom-cr doc+=$ ;
: doc+=ref ( A -- )
    documentation atom+=ref ;
: doc+=use
    ( A -- ) .d{ <b>} doc+=$ .d{ </b>} ;
: doc+=def ( A -- )
    .d{ </p><tt><b>} doc+=$
    .d{ </b> +&equiv;</tt><div class="chunk"><pre>} ;

: feed ( read into current chunk )

    parse..| dup ?atom-cr+ escape doc+=$ atom-cr+ chunk+=$ ;

variable doc-base
atom" index" doc-base !

: |document-base:   parse-cr doc-base ! feed ;

variable title
atom" Untitled" title !

: |title:   parse-cr title ! feed ;

variable author
atom" Anonymous" author !

: |author:   parse-cr author ! feed ;

variable isbn
atom" 9999999999" isbn !

: |isbn:   parse-cr isbn ! feed ;

variable subject
atom" Article" subject !

: |subject:   parse-cr subject ! feed ;

variable doc-date
atom" Unknown" doc-date !

: |date:   parse-cr doc-date ! feed ;

variable description
atom" No description available." description !

: |description:   parse-cr description ! feed ;

linked-list out-files

: |file: ( add a new output file )
    parse-cr dup 1 out-files chain
    .d{ <tt><i>} doc+=$ .d{ </i></tt>} feed ;
: file-name@ ( file -- A )
    cell+ @ ;

variable slide-chapter
variable chapter-count
linked-list chapters

: chapter-name ( chp -- A )
    cell+ @ ;
: chapter-text ( chp -- A )
    cell+ @ means ;
: chapter-number ( chp -- n )
    2 cells + @ ;

atom" .html" constant .html
: chapter-filename ( chp -- A )
     chapter-number s>d <# # # # #s #> atom
     doc-base @ atom" _" atom+ swap .html atom+ atom+ ;

: chapter-finish   .d{ </p></div></body></html>} ;

: raw-chapter ( -- )
     chapter-count @   1 chapter-count +!
     over 2 chapters chain
     dup documentation-chunk ! doc!

.d| <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"


slide-chapter @ if

<script type="text/javascript">
function SlideCount() {
  var sections = document.getElementsByClassName('section');
  return sections.length;

function ShowSlide(index) {
  var sections = document.getElementsByClassName('section');
  for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
    sections[i].style.display = ((i == index) ? 'inline' : 'none');

var current_slide = 0;

function Load() {
  window.onkeydown = function(e) {
    if (e.keyCode == 37) {  // left
      current_slide = Math.max(0, current_slide - 1);
    } else if (e.keyCode == 39) {  // right
      current_slide = Math.min(SlideCount() - 1, current_slide + 1);
    } else if (e.keyCode == 38) {  // up
      current_slide = 0;
    } else if (e.keyCode == 40) {  // down
      current_slide = SlideCount() - 1;



<style type="text/css">
  div.chunk {
    margin: 0em 0.5em;
  pre {
    margin: 0em 0em;


slide-chapter @ if

  div.section {
    page-break-before: always;



    dup doc+=$
    .d{ </title></head>}
    slide-chapter @ if .d{ <body onload="Load()">} else .d{ <body>} then
    .d{ <div class="section"><h1>}
    .d{ </h1><p>}


: |chapter:   false slide-chapter !  raw-chapter ;

: |slide-chapter:   true slide-chapter !  raw-chapter ;

: |section:   parse-cr .d{ </p></div><div class="section"><h2>} doc+=$
                 .d{ </h2><p>} feed ;

: |page   parse-cr .d{ </p><p style="page-break-before:always;">} feed ;

: |br   parse-cr .d{ <br/>} feed ;

: |$ ( paragraph )
    .d{ </p><p>} feed ;

: |\ ( whole line)
    parse-cr atom-cr+ dup chunk+=$ escape doc+=$ feed ;

: |b{   .d{ <b>} feed ;

: |}b   .d{ </b>} feed ;

: |i{   .d{ <i>} feed ;

: |}i   .d{ </i>} feed ;

: |u{   .d{ <u>} feed ;

: |}u   .d{ </u>} feed ;

: |sup{   .d{ <sup>} feed ;

: |}sup   .d{ </sup>} feed ;

: |sub{   .d{ <sub>} feed ;

: |}sub   .d{ </sub>} feed ;

: |tt{   .d{ <tt>} feed ;

: |}tt   .d{ </tt>} feed ;

: |code{   .d{ <div class="chunk"><pre>} feed ;

: |}code   .d{ </pre></div>} feed ;

variable bullet-depth
: bullet+   1 bullet-depth +!   bullet-depth @ 1 = if .d{ </p>} then ;
: bullet-   -1 bullet-depth +!   bullet-depth @ 0 = if .d{ <p>} then ;

: |{-   bullet+ .d{ <ul><li>} feed ;

: |--   .d{ </li><li>} feed ;

: |-}   .d{ </li></ul>} bullet- feed ;

: |TeX .d{ <span>T<sub><big>E</big></sub>X</span>} feed ;

: |LaTeX
    .d{ <span>L<sup><small>A</small></sup>T<sub><big>E</big></sub>X</span>}

: |<-| .d{ &larr;} feed ;

: |->| .d{ &rarr;} feed ;

: |^| .d{ &uarr;} feed ;

: |v| .d{ &darr;} feed ;

: |: ( add to a chunk )
    parse-cr dup chunk ! doc+=def feed ;

: |; ( documentation )
    .d{ </pre></div><p>} doc! feed ;

: |@ ( use a chunk )
    parse-cr dup chunk+=ref doc+=use .dcr feed ;

: |@@ ( use a chunk in documentation )
    parse-cr means escape doc+=$ feed ;

variable literate-mode
: literate-setup
    depth 0<= if 0 then literate-mode ! ;

literate-mode @ 0 = constant running?
literate-mode @ 1 = constant tangling?
literate-mode @ 2 = constant weaving?

weaving? tangling? or running? or assert

atom" ~~~TOC" constant atom-toc

: toc-filename doc-base @ atom" .html" atom+ ;

: weave-toc-chapter ( chapter -- )
    .d{ <h4><b><a href="}
    dup chapter-filename doc+=$
    .d{ ">}
    chapter-name doc+=$
    .d{ </a></b></h4>} .dcr

: weave-toc
    atom-toc documentation-chunk ! doc!

.d| <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<head><title>Table of Contents</title></head>
  <h1><b>TABLE OF CONTENTS</b></h1>


    chapters @ begin dup while
    dup weave-toc-chapter ->next repeat drop

    .d{ </div></body></html>} .dcr

    documentation means toc-filename file!

atom" ~~~NCX" constant atom-ncx

: ncx-filename ( -- A )
    doc-base @ atom" .ncx" atom+ ;

: weave-ncx-chapter ( chapter -- )
   .d{ <navPoint class="chapter" id="}
    dup chapter-filename doc+=$
    .d{ " playOrder="}
    dup chapter-filename doc+=$
    .d{ "><navLabel><text>}
    dup chapter-name doc+=$
    .d{ </text></navLabel><content src="}
    chapter-filename doc+=$
    .d{ "/></navPoint>}

: weave-ncx
    atom-ncx documentation-chunk ! doc!

.d| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC "-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN"
<ncx xmlns=""
 version="2005-1" xml:lang="en-US">
<meta name="dtb:uid" content="BookId"/>
<meta name="dtb:depth" content="2"/>
<meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0"/>
<meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0"/>

.d{ <docTitle><text>} title @ doc+=$

.d| </text></docTitle>

    <navPoint class="toc" id="toc" playOrder="1">
        <text>Table of Contents</text>

     <content src="|.d toc-filename doc+=$ .d| "/>


    chapters @ begin dup while
    dup weave-ncx-chapter ->next repeat drop

    .d{ </navMap></ncx>}
    documentation means ncx-filename file!

: cover-filename doc-base @ atom" _cover.bmp" atom+ ;

variable image-width
variable image-height
variable image-data

: image-data-size ( -- n )
    image-width @ image-height @ * 4 * ;

: image-pick-size ( w h -- )
    image-height ! image-width ! ;
: image-free-old
    image-data @ dup if free 0= assert else drop then ;
: image-allocate
    image-data-size allocate 0= assert image-data ! ;
: image-clear
    image-data @ image-data-size 0 fill ;
: image-setup ( w h -- )
    image-pick-size image-free-old image-allocate image-clear ;

variable red
variable green
variable blue

: rgb ( r g b -- ) blue ! green ! red ! ;
: f>primary ( f -- n ) 255e f* f>s 0 max 255 min ;
: rgbf ( rf gf bf -- ) f>primary f>primary f>primary rgb ;

: black ( -- ) 0 0 0 rgb ;
: white ( -- ) 255 255 255 rgb ;

: gray ( n -- ) dup dup rgb ;

: image-xy ( x y -- a )
    image-width @ * + 4 *
    image-data @ + ;
: plot ( x y -- )
    red @ over c!
    green @ over 1+ c!
    blue @ over 2 + c!
    0 swap 3 + c! ;

variable bmp-file

: bmp-begin ( A -- )
    atom-string@ w/o bin create-file 0= assert bmp-file ! ;
: bmp-end ( -- )
    bmp-file @ close-file 0= assert ;

: bmp-write ( $ -- )
    bmp-file @ write-file 0= assert ;

: bmp-byte ( b -- ) here c! here 1 bmp-write ;
: bmp-word ( w -- ) dup 255 and bmp-byte 8 rshift 255 and bmp-byte ;
: bmp-dword ( d -- ) dup 65535 and bmp-word 16 rshift 65535 and bmp-word ;

3 2 * 2 4 * + constant bmp-header-size
10 4 * constant dib-header-size

: bmp-save ( A -- )
  \ BMP header
  s" BM" bmp-write
  dib-header-size +
  image-data-size + bmp-dword \ size of bmp file in bytes
  0 bmp-word \ unused
  0 bmp-word \ unused
  dib-header-size + bmp-dword \ offset to start of bitmap image data

  \ DIB header
  dib-header-size bmp-dword \ size of header in bytes
  image-width @ bmp-dword \ width
  image-height @ bmp-dword \ height
  1 bmp-word \ color planes
  32 bmp-word \ bits per pixel
  0 bmp-dword \ BI_RGB (uncompressed)
  image-data-size bmp-dword \ pixel data size
  0 bmp-dword \ horizontal pixels per meter
  0 bmp-dword \ vertical pixels per meter
  0 bmp-dword \ colors in color palette
  0 bmp-dword \ important colors in palette

  \ Image data
  image-data @ image-data-size bmp-write

fvariable xx
fvariable yy
: x ( -- f ) xx f@ ;
: y ( -- f ) yy f@ ;
variable xn
variable yn

fvariable aspect
1e aspect f!

: haiku ( f -- )
  image-height @ 0 do
    i yn !
    i s>f 0.5e f+ image-width @ s>f aspect f@ f/ f/ yy f!
    image-width @ 0 do
      i xn !
      i s>f 0.5e f+ image-width @ s>f f/ xx f!
      dup execute
      rgbf i j plot

0.0722e fconstant red-luminance
0.7152e fconstant green-luminance
0.2126e fconstant blue-luminance
: luminance ( rf gf bf -- f )
    blue-luminance f* fswap
    green-luminance f* f+ fswap
    red-luminance f* f+ ;

create dither-table
 1 , 49 , 13 , 61 ,  4 , 52 , 16 , 64 ,
33 , 17 , 45 , 29 , 36 , 20 , 48 , 32 ,
 9 , 57 ,  5 , 53 , 12 , 60 ,  8 , 56 ,
41 , 25 , 37 , 21 , 44 , 28 , 40 , 24 ,
 3 , 51 , 15 , 63 ,  2 , 50 , 14 , 62 ,
35 , 19 , 47 , 31 , 34 , 18 , 46 , 30 ,
11 , 59 ,  7 , 55 , 10 , 58 ,  6 , 54 ,
43 , 27 , 39 , 23 , 42 , 26 , 38 , 22 ,

: dither-map ( x y -- f )
  8 mod 8 * swap 8 mod + cells dither-table + @ s>f 65e f/ 0.5e f- ;

: dither ( -- f )
  xn @ yn @ dither-map 7e f/ ;

: 3dither-scale ( f -- f ) 7e f/ ;
: 3dither ( rgb -- rgb' )
  dither blue-luminance f/ 3dither-scale f+ frot
  dither green-luminance f/ 3dither-scale f+ frot
  dither red-luminance f/ 3dither-scale f+ frot ;

fvariable gradient-scale
: 3fg* ( f f f -- f f f )
   gradient-scale f@ f* frot
   gradient-scale f@ f* frot
   gradient-scale f@ f* frot
: gradient-invert
  1e gradient-scale f@ f- gradient-scale f! ;

: gradient1
   1e x f- 0.3e f* y f+ 0.5e f+ 10e f**
   0e fmax 1e fmin
   gradient-scale f! ;

fvariable 3f+temp
: 3f+ ( xyz abc -- x+a y+b z+c )
  fswap 3f+temp f! frot f+ ( x y a z+c )
  frot 3f+temp f@ f+ ( x a z+c y+b )
  3f+temp f! frot frot f+ ( z+c x+a )
  3f+temp f@ frot ( x+a y+b z+c )

: 4spire
  x x 23e f* fsin 2e f/ y fmax f/ fsin
  y x 23e f* fsin 2e f/ y fmax f/ fsin
  fover fover f/ fsin

: scales-x' x 0.3e f- ;
: scales-y' y 0.1e f+ ;
: scales
  scales-x' scales-y' f* 40e f* fsin
  1e scales-x' f- scales-y' f* 30e f* fsin f*
  scales-x' 1e scales-y' f- f* 20e f* fsin f*
  fdup scales-x' f/ fsin
  fdup scales-y' f/ fcos 1e x f- 1e y f- f+ f*

: scales-4spire
  scales gradient1 3fg*
  4spire gradient1 gradient-invert 3fg* 3f+

: scales-4spire-dithered
  scales-4spire 3dither

: scales-4spire-gray
  scales-4spire luminance dither f+ fdup fdup

: weave-cover
  600 800 image-setup
  ['] scales-4spire-dithered haiku
  cover-filename bmp-save

atom" ~~~OPF" constant atom-opf

: opf-filename ( -- A )
    doc-base @ atom" .opf" atom+ ;

: opf-chapter ( A -- )
    .d{ <item id="}
    dup doc+=$
    .d{ " media-type="application/xhtml+xml" href="}
    .d{ "></item>} .dcr

: opf-chapter' ( A -- )
    .d{ <itemref idref="} doc+=$ .d{ "/>} .dcr ;

: weave-opf
    atom-opf documentation-chunk ! doc!

.d| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="" version="2.0"
<metadata xmlns:dc=""


    .d{ <dc:title>} title @ doc+=$ .d{ </dc:title>} .dcr
    .d{ <dc:language>en-us</dc:language>} .dcr
    .d{ <meta name="cover" content="My_Cover"/> } .dcr
    .d{ <dc:identifier id="BookId" opf:scheme="ISBN">}
    isbn @ doc+=$ .d{ </dc:identifier>} .dcr
    .d{ <dc:creator>} author @ doc+=$ .d{ </dc:creator>} .dcr
    .d{ <dc:publisher>} author @ doc+=$ .d{ </dc:publisher>} .dcr
    .d{ <dc:subject>} subject @ doc+=$ .d{ </dc:subject>} .dcr
    .d{ <dc:date>} doc-date @ doc+=$ .d{ </dc:date>} .dcr
    .d{ <dc:description>} description @ doc+=$ .d{ </dc:description>} .dcr


   <item id="My_Table_of_Contents" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml"

   href="|.d ncx-filename doc+=$ .d| "/>

  <item id="toc" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" href="|.d
    toc-filename doc+=$ .d{ "></item>}
    chapters @ begin dup while
        dup chapter-filename opf-chapter ->next
    repeat drop
    .d{ <item id="My_Cover" media-type="image/gif"} .dcr
    .d{  href="} cover-filename doc+=$ .d{ "/>} .dcr
    .d{ </manifest>}

    .d{ <spine toc="My_Table_of_Contents"><itemref idref="toc"/>}
    chapters @ begin dup while
        dup chapter-filename opf-chapter' ->next
    repeat drop
   .d{ </spine>}

  <reference type="toc" title="Table of Contents"

   href="|.d toc-filename doc+=$ .d| "></reference>


   documentation means opf-filename file!

: weave-chapter ( chapter -- )
    dup chapter-text swap chapter-filename file! ;
: weave-chapters
    chapters @ begin dup while
    dup weave-chapter ->next repeat drop ;

: weave ( -- )

: tangle-file ( file -- )
    file-name@ dup means swap file! ;

: tangle
    out-files @ begin dup while
    dup tangle-file ->next repeat drop ;

: run-filename ( -- A )
    doc-base @ atom" _running.tmp" atom+ ;

: run-cleanup
    run-filename atom-string@ delete-file drop ;

: bye   run-cleanup bye ;

: run
    atom" *" means
    run-filename file!-tmp
    forth-wordlist 1 set-order
    forth-wordlist set-current

: |. ( exit literate mode )
     weaving? if weave bye then
     tangling? if tangle bye then
     running? if run then ;