

Tags are the user facing set of words provided by this tool. All tags are preceded by the pipe (|) character. They are cataloged herein.

Formatting Tags

Tags are provided for:

formatting tags +≡
: |b{   .d{ <b>} feed ;
: |}b   .d{ </b>} feed ;
: |i{   .d{ <i>} feed ;
: |}i   .d{ </i>} feed ;
: |u{   .d{ <u>} feed ;
: |}u   .d{ </u>} feed ;
: |sup{   .d{ <sup>} feed ;
: |}sup   .d{ </sup>} feed ;
: |sub{   .d{ <sub>} feed ;
: |}sub   .d{ </sub>} feed ;
: |tt{   .d{ <tt>} feed ;
: |}tt   .d{ </tt>} feed ;
: |code{   .d{ <div class="chunk"><pre>} feed ;
: |}code   .d{ </pre></div>} feed ;

Bullet Lists

Tags are provided for bullet lists.

|{- Item A
|-- Item B
    |{- Subitem 1
    |-- Subitem 2
    |-- Subitem 3
|-- Item C

bullet lists +≡
variable bullet-depth
: bullet+   1 bullet-depth +!   bullet-depth @ 1 = if .d{ </p>} then ;
: bullet-   -1 bullet-depth +!   bullet-depth @ 0 = if .d{ <p>} then ;
: |{-   bullet+ .d{ <ul><li>} feed ;
: |--   .d{ </li><li>} feed ;
: |-}   .d{ </li></ul>} bullet- feed ;

TeX and LaTeX

As TEX and LATEX are widely referenced in material related to literate programming, we will want to be able to mention them in way that has some semblance of typographical accuracy. Unfortunately, precise duplication would require images (which don't scale).

Use of subscript and big text gives use this for TEX:

tex and latex shortcuts +≡
: |TeX .d{ <span>T<sub><big>E</big></sub>X</span>} feed ;

Adding in small text and superscript then brings us to this for LATEX:

tex and latex shortcuts +≡
: |LaTeX
    .d{ <span>L<sup><small>A</small></sup>T<sub><big>E</big></sub>X</span>}


We provide some tags for arrow symbols ( ←, →, ↑, ↓).

arrow symbols +≡
: |<-| .d{ &larr;} feed ;
: |->| .d{ &rarr;} feed ;
: |^| .d{ &uarr;} feed ;
: |v| .d{ &darr;} feed ;

Document Boundaries

Documents need logical division markers.

We provide tags for regular and slide show chapters.

document boundaries +≡
chapter implementation
: |chapter:   false slide-chapter !  raw-chapter ;
: |slide-chapter:   true slide-chapter !  raw-chapter ;


document boundaries +≡
: |section:   parse-cr .d{ </p></div><div class="section"><h2>} doc+=$
                 .d{ </h2><p>} feed ;

Page breaks.

document boundaries +≡
: |page   parse-cr .d{ </p><p style="page-break-before:always;">} feed ;

Line breaks.

document boundaries +≡
: |br   parse-cr .d{ <br/>} feed ;

Paragraph boundaries.

document boundaries +≡
: |$ ( paragraph )
    .d{ </p><p>} feed ;

And pipe (|) escaping whole line.

document boundaries +≡
: |\ ( whole line)
    parse-cr atom-cr+ dup chunk+=$ escape doc+=$ feed ;

Chunk Tags

Crucial to literate programming. Tags are provided to manipulate chunks.

Adding to their definition (in a Forth-y way).

chunk tags +≡
: |: ( add to a chunk )
    parse-cr dup chunk ! doc+=def feed ;
: |; ( documentation )
    .d{ </pre></div><p>} doc! feed ;

Using them (in a Forth-y way).

chunk tags +≡
: |@ ( use a chunk )
    parse-cr dup chunk+=ref doc+=use .dcr feed ;

It may also be useful to expand a chunk in documentation (for example listing full source code in the appendix). For now, we will do the expansion at the point of use. This, unfortunately, will require references to follow all definitions.

chunk tags +≡
: |@@ ( use a chunk in documentation )
    parse-cr means escape doc+=$ feed ;

Output Files

Tangled output can be directed to multiple files using a special tag. A linked list of output files is kept. Their "meaning" is consulted to know what to emit.

output files +≡
linked-list out-files
: |file: ( add a new output file )
    parse-cr dup 1 out-files chain
    .d{ <tt><i>} doc+=$ .d{ </i></tt>} feed ;
: file-name@ ( file -- A )
    cell+ @ ;

Global Fields

Most documents will begin with a number of document wide field tags.

The document base is the prefix put in front of each output file in weaving mode.

global fields +≡
variable doc-base
atom" index" doc-base !
: |document-base:   parse-cr doc-base ! feed ;

The document has a title.

global fields +≡
variable title
atom" Untitled" title !
: |title:   parse-cr title ! feed ;

And an author (used for the publisher for now too).

global fields +≡
variable author
atom" Anonymous" author !
: |author:   parse-cr author ! feed ;

A frivolous ISBN number.

global fields +≡
variable isbn
atom" 9999999999" isbn !
: |isbn:   parse-cr isbn ! feed ;

A subject.

global fields +≡
variable subject
atom" Article" subject !
: |subject:   parse-cr subject ! feed ;

A date of authorship.

global fields +≡
variable doc-date
atom" Unknown" doc-date !
: |date:   parse-cr doc-date ! feed ;

And a description.

global fields +≡
variable description
atom" No description available." description !
: |description:   parse-cr description ! feed ;